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3 ways to stay in flow.

What Is Flow?

Flow is an organic state of being. Flow is the ability to release control and allow natural instinct to guide you. The concepts of flexibility, ease, grace, looseness, and release contribute to a flow state.

Stress, tension, and force are in direct opposition to flow.

Checkout this post to learn more about the importance of existing in a flow state.

To lead the most successful life, it is critical to work with nature and not against it. Existing in a flow state is working with nature.

Well, great. Easier said than done, right? Not necessarily. Your natural existence is in flow, so you simply have to return to your natural state.

So how do we strip away the garbage keeping us in tension?

Here’s 3 ways to stay in flow:

1. Adopt a physical practice.

Yoga, skateboarding, and surfing are all forms of exercise that immediately come to mind when thinking of “flow”. Yet, literally any physical practice will assist you in staying in flow. Doing something physical becomes a practice of navigating all aspects of yourself within a task.

Photo by Willian Was from Pexels

This allows you to build trust between your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves. Once you build trust within yourself, the practice will become meditative and clearing. Consider muscle memory. Build trust within yourself in a skill, then let go of your “trying”.

Every athlete knows that 90% of the game is mental and 10% physical. Successful athletes are able to trust their abilities and not overthink each step of their sport.

2. Acknowledge your emotions.

Emotions are the ultimate example of flow because they are energy in motion. Energy in motion.

We will get sick by blocked emotions, trapped energy within our bodies, as much as we will by any virus or bacteria we encounter. Emotions are meant to be paid attention to, as they are our original communication source.

Emotions tell the truth. Truth is nature and nature is flow. Emotions are flow.

Read more about the importance of emotions here.

Whenever emotions come up, be sure to:

  1. Acknowledge the emotion.
  2. Thank the emotion.
  3. Analyze the emotion.
  4. Integrate the emotion.

Just remember that emotions are your friend, no matter what. They are there to tell you something.

Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels

3. Trust your gut.

Your gut is your inner knowing. Your gut is also your physical gut. These two guts both have a seat at the table of your mind. They also both have a lot to say.

It is important to trust your instincts (your inner knowing). Instincts are sourced from your energetic blueprint, your pure form before 3D world programming.

Consider trusting your gut to be just like muscle memory for athletics. Don’t overthink, just do. Respond to your instincts.

As for your physical gut, listen to that too. A happy microbiome is a happy person.

Thank you for reading. Keep on flowin’, y’all. Tubular.