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Why Fashion is the Most Powerful Expression in the World

Why Fashion is the Most Powerful Expression in the World

Why fashion is the most powerful expression in the world.

why fashion is the most powerful expression in the world

Fashion being the most powerful expression in the world may seem like an overstatement. It is not. Let’s start with discussing our power as humans.

Our Power as Humans

It’s pretty simple, really. What sets us apart from the other species on this planet? Language and self-awareness. Our ability to communicate through language has developed our modern world as we know it.

We have developed to the point of living within a globalized community. This means we are no longer limited to relating to those within our hunting & gathering tribe.

Yet, in order to communicate with our community, we have to speak a common language. Our common language with the world is image.

The Language of Image

The language of image.

Image is the most powerful communication tool we have today and we have been training ourselves with technology and social media to behave this way.

Photo by Han Gong124 from Pexels

Think about how many applications and tools we use each day that are designed so that you’re able to just flip through. We’re generating a “scannable” life.

Life is so fast and so vast. Image is our means of communicating in an instant to someone, it is our chance to capture someone’s attention in a world where attention is a rare commodity.

So image is our tool of power. And what image are we most in control of? Our own.

This means that your image is power. Hell yes, you read that right, baby!

YOU are a powerful image! So what are you going to say?

We are walking billboards, like it or not, so let’s take advantage of this fact. Wear the message that you want to wear, want to be, that you are.

I have accepted this reality (haven’t always! it took a lot of reflection and willingness to accept things as they are) and am choosing to use it to my advantage.

Here’s an example of me wearing a message that I want to share:

What Message Do You Wear?

I choose to wear the message of flower power because I want to represent what I know as true, which is nature and love with a tinge of whimsy on top. 🙂 Hashtags adorn my clothing because hashtags are the dialect of our worldwide language. I am deciding to own the hashtag instead of allowing it to own me.

I love the boho, free-flowing clothing (obvi) most often associated with “flower power”. Yet, my true message, my true “power outfit” is just that: a power outfit of flowers. This is my nod to “the man” and the structures of society, of the business-as-usual pant suits…with flowers.

Why fashion is the most powerful expression in the world:

We are the image, the advertisement. Fashion is our language. Language is our power as species. Therefore, fashion is power.

Knowing this, what are you going to do to ignite your expressive power? Let us know in the comments!

The key to life is owning your personal power, owning that YOU WERE BORN FOR A REASON. I am here to tell you that it is TIME TO HOLD YOUR PLACE AND TAKE UP SPACE.

Own your furry b*sht. Wear your trash –don’t let it wear your. Wear your power.

Power up, baby!

What is Flower Power Fashion?

What is Flower Power Fashion?

Read on to discover the origins of “flower power,” the concept’s influence on fashion, and what flower power fashion means today.

flower power
photo by: Frédéric BISSON (link)

“Flower Power” is a term widely known throughout the world as a byproduct of the countercultural revolution of the 1960s. This “revolution” marked a period of cultural rebellion from the status quo within the United States. The revolution was mostly led by teenagers and young adults, people seeking a more authentic and free lifestyle than that of their parents.

A Brief History

It really all began with the birth of the concept of the “American teenager” during the years following WWII. As families reunited after the war, many Americans returned to a family-focused life. This focus often became too stifling for the children older than 12, yet too young to be considered an adult. It was no longer commonplace to marry during teenage years as joining the professional workforce became the norm. A child’s “in-between” years of childhood and adulthood became an angsty stage of yearning to leave the nest. The generation (“baby boomers”) of angsty in-betweens also yearned for a freedom from the societal structure and expectations awaiting them outside the nest. It became a time to rebel.

The military draft and U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War also played heavily into the inspiration for the youth rebellion. Many citizens did not find controlling the spread of communism across the globe a good enough justification for risking American lives. Additionally, further civil unrest was spurred by the Civil Rights Movement and the Women’s Liberation Movement occurring at this time. Calls for “peace and love” spread across the country as the anti-war and pro-freedom sentiments grew.

Origins of the Term

In 1965, Beat Poet Allen Ginsberg coined the term “flower power” in his essay “Demonstration or Spectacle as Example, As Communication, or How to Make a March/Spectacle”. “Flower Power” evoked an image of flowers covering the front line in protest. Flower Power represented “fighting” violence with peace. It stood for the promotion of love, kindness and peace instead of the demotion of violent acts.

Photo by zydeaosika from Pexels

The youth rebellion and love-spreading campaigns quickly radiated throughout American culture. It became a trend to wear flowers in one’s hair, painted on the face, or sewn onto clothing. The flower became a national, thus international image of the desire for peace in a time of unrest. This desire and image made lasting impressions on the country – and world’s – expression of music, art, education, and fashion.

Flower Power Today

So, the flower became the image for peace.

The flower image has resonated so strongly because it represents a positive, more evolved response to dark truths of our world. People remember the protests of the 1960s with a slight smirk and witty remark because they know it was different.

Would we remember this time period so well had we mainly used more violence against violence? No. We remember this time because of the power of love it spread.

There’s a saying that goes “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” Well, this translates to “we can do more good with good than with bitterness.”

Fast-forward fifty-some years later and flower power is still expressed and worn by the youth. It is still common to see teenagers wearing flower crowns or bohemian free-flowing clothing. Popular music festivals such as Coachella, Bonnaroo, and Lightning in a Bottle continue to encourage the positive love-spreading style.

The modern “hippie trend” may be distilled from its origins of strife, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that the image of flower power is still supported.

GREAT…so really, what does flower power mean today?

The Power of Flower Power in Image…in Fashion

We are all walking billboards these days. This is simple fact (read this post about why). Therefore, fashion is extremely important as an expression. We make statements in what we wear. So let’s pick the right statement to make.

What doesn’t go out of style? Love and truth.

Truth seems to have gotten a little groggier these days. Well, it’s not. Because the truth is that we are nature. Period. That’s all you need to know.

Flower power means remembering that YOU ARE NATURE. So WEAR YOUR POWER, flower child. Time to support more love and truth. Let’s just be, flower child. Time to be.